We understand that basic needs are the fundamental requirements that human beings need to not only survive, but thrive.
St. Monica's Washroom Renovation
Pipeline Worldwide plans to repair and renovate the girls’ washroom, bringing it up to current building codes and safety standards, and re-establish a dignified facility for the girls to use for their daily routine and bathroom amenities. With this renovation, the facility will be in usable condition for another 50 years.
Moyo Hospital Laboratory Power
Reliable power is a significant challenge in Moyo. Less than 12% of the population has access to electricity and the only hospital in the area has dedicated power approximately 60% of the time. Hospital departments without backup power are in a constant state of emergency putting patients at risk. Moyo General Hospital’s laboratory is one of those departments that is frequently without power resulting in downtime for the technicians and lab equipment performing critical tests and analysis essential to diagnosing and treating patients. This downtown can last anywhere from a couple of hours to several days, and oftentimes, this can make a difference in the survival of a patient.